Tickets for V-Fest are available online at

V-Fest is a celebration of the Vulva!

Why? Because we all need to break away from misinformation and systematic oppression of our bodies. Whatever your gender, sexuality, vulva or not: we deserve the freedom of knowledge, pleasure and happiness about our own body.

This celebration will take place in a safe space, for all genders and cultures. There will be people at the fest to ensure everybody is having a good time, they can provide help if you feel uncomfortable, unsafe or just need a chat. The location of V-Fest is in theater de Nieuwe Vorst, unfortunately they are still working on inclusive accessibility, please contact the theater if you want to attend and need wheelchair access or have other concerns about accessibility.

V-Fest is initiated by Steph Byrne (they/them) and the first edition on 17 NOV 22 is organized in collaboration with all artists involved and De Krakers Tilburg: Amber Dijs (she/her) and Pien Rutten (she/her).

For upcoming projects and editions of V-Fest I’m looking for more collabs. If you are an activist, educator, health professional, journalist or artist interested in contributing to diverse, inclusive and positive Vulva-events, please contact me!